According to bra tree legends, it was panties (as they called them back in the ‘60s) and not bras that started this tradition. But when you start chucking undergarments into a tree, there are bound to be a few long tales. Some chat rooms – including ski divas and skiing history – say that bra trees began in the ‘60s as proof of some conquest the previous night. Bras or panties: it was never determined which came first, or why bras won out over panties. I suspect bras are slightly more politically correct: above the waist is safer and less offensive.
The Aspen Times, as in Colorado, places the original tree in aspen; the story goes that someone in the early ‘80s threw a bra into a tree under aspen’s Bell mountain chairlift. At one time, the tree sported 40 to 50 bras and panties. It was a sign of rebellion – you know, skiers against “the system” with the types of underwear becoming more outrageous all the time. ski patrol threatened to chop down the tree or worse, revoke the ski passes of underwear/bra shedding skiers.
Bra tree i Trysil! |
2 kommentarer:
Pssst... rättelse; koselig ;)
tant t: hoppsan! :*D
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