Hi Linda! My wife and I were recently in Stockholm for some cruises. There REALLY is a H&M on every corner! Beautiful city.BobK/Orlando
Hos oss kallar vi det för bokslutslunga
bobk: hi bob! hope you enjoyed stlm! yes we loooove our H&Ms :Danonym: det är alltså det jag har. bokslutslunga.
Hi Linda! My wife and I were recently in Stockholm for some cruises. There REALLY is a H&M on every corner! Beautiful city.
Hos oss kallar vi det för bokslutslunga
SvaraRaderabobk: hi bob! hope you enjoyed stlm! yes we loooove our H&Ms :D
SvaraRaderaanonym: det är alltså det jag har. bokslutslunga.