tisdag, april 22

Are you aiming?

In that case I recomend the soffa at Wardrobe Stockholm. Excelent for aiming, and at the same time you can look at all the fabulous klädesplagg hanging around on the ställningar. The lovely girls in the shop also help you with the barnvagn, and if you shop something they put the shoppingbag in the vagn while you finish the aiming.


PS. I bought a grått linne. Perfect for just aiming.

9 kommentarer:

  1. Oh my god, so good! Aiming and shopping and having a nice taim, how splendid.

  2. frida: I can only say fab :D

  3. Oh, I have been aiming there too, while buying lots of very very nice julklappar. Absolutely fabulous var det. Now I have almost stopped aiming men kanske skulle gå dit ändå, nån dag.

  4. maria g: yes and you can sit in the soffa without aiming of course, it´s very comfy :D

  5. Jag kom att tänka på Schyfferts reklam "You got to gillar the svenska killar" :-)

  6. jessika: ha ha ha ja det gjorde jag också medan jag skrev :D

  7. Ett ställe att hänga på även om man inte ägnar sig åt aiming. Ajj lavv deras utbud. Man kan alltid köpa nåt litet. Och nu har de skor också...

  8. e: tokcharmig butik! :D

  9. Aiming? What's that, Linda?
